Saturday, 22 January 2011

I don't want to do college work so instead I will talk about artists and blogs and sale items.

I hate portfolios. And Unis. And Interviews. :(

However...Miranda July.
I love this woman. My arty farty friend Kendal got me to watch 'Me, You and Everyone we know' last night and, although there are so many things that either have no relevance to the world or are so deep that I just don't get them... I believe, in the hour or so that the film was played I connected with her amazing sense of humor and view of everything around her. The music is great, the characters are great and she is more than great. (I sound like an arty lesbian...)

After googling her today I found this quote which kinda sums up how I feel about the world -

"Life is just this way, broken, and I am crazy to hope for something else." 

So yeah...Not much more to say on this subject, I'll move on before I start rambling about love and life and stuff...
Screenshots of the Film - Credit

Another amazing thing I found today was this blog, or more specifically this post - Blair on a Budget - on Primark Latest offerings... I swear today is a day for extremes...I was SO HAPPY. I can't wait to go to primark..I especially love, on another of her posts, an amazing pair of high waisted skinny black jeans (something I've been on the lookout for, along with a few *perfect* blouses...) The other of my favourite items is the AHmazing floppy straw sun hat with the black band... I clearly plan to parade around all summer in beauifully printed dresses and crazy hats. Alot like this -

Right then - Sale Buys and Christmas Presents :D :D :D

 An outfit that looks much better on but I have had the chance to do an outfit post on it yet! The cardigan is from a Joules Outlet store, in the sale :) I'm not usually a joules fan but this cardigan caught my eye in the cold weather due to the thick knit and beautifully shiny gold buttons... This is actually a size 18 as I felt the 12 just was too short and I'm particularly partial to longer cardigans. The dress was from the amazingly chavvy company '24 Studio' (no offence to any fans, its just not usually to me taste...) but yes, another shock find, a beautiful ditsy print tea dress, fitted at the waist with a modest neckline. However I was disappointed by the length of this dress as it comes up just a little to short to wear without leggings when it gets warmer... Hmph!

 Been on the lookout for a nice winter coat for a while now, after losing mine sometime while looking for winter coats in town..FAIL. This one is amazing though, the teal colour sets off the crazy red hair I'm currently sporting while flattering my hourglass figure :) Win at £25 in the sale I think.

I was fairly amazed by the prices of these items, New Look and Republic were my favourite two sale shops this winter :D The shoes, from New Look, cost me a tiny FIVE POUNDS! I was so happy to find them as my giant size 8 feet rarely do well in the sales for actually nice shoes... I'm not sure when I'll pluck up the courage to go out in sky high heels though... :( 
The two Republic necklaces were kind of impulse buys, I love jewellery and have loads of it, even though I rarely seem to wear half of it (it just looks nice!) but who's going to say no to £2 a piece necklaces?!

I've been on the lookout for some kind of hair fascinator/headband thing for a while now, and this one was just so pretty :) I love that its an autumn/winter piece based on a crinkled autumn leaf :D Also, like the necklaces, it only cost £2 from Republic :)

So there you go, the ramblings of my procrastination... (i'm clearly not going to get into Uni if I do this much more...) Oh well, living up to the blog name I guess!

Steph xxx

Friday, 21 January 2011

Love is shown in your deeds, not in your words.


Tattoo Inspiration?

Steph xxx

Monday, 17 January 2011


Ha, soooo I have a nottingham trent uni interview in a week and around 10 hours.... (For Fashion Accessories Design)  Needless to day that explains the lack of posting... (I just noticed its been over two weeks + I have new followers! Hey guys!) Sorry about that....
Just thought i'd pen my stress and take 5 minutes to display my activities lately...

Some coool stuff on the college front, portfolio pictures to come, I'd love your advice on some stuff, plus here's a glimpse of where my latest project is taking me -

Theme - Urban
Won't say too much on this as I'll do a detailed post when the project is finished (and my interviews are out the way!), however I will say I've taken the theme into empowering women and gun crime... Craaaazy mix!

The rest are just a few funny or interesting things I've noted with the cam lately :) Some things I just feel the need to capture!

Looked pretty, gotta do something while stuck on a bus!

We finger knitted! Crazy times within the textiles group...couldn't work out why we were told to do it so we put my housemate Emily in it just for lols. :D

Not an outfit post but the closest I could get late at night with no photographer...HA!

So there you have it, my life of late... Speaking of late, getting up at 8 when you didn't sleep til half 5 and then working 5-1 the next evening in the McJob after a full day of college does not sound like fun... :(
Wish me luck! :)

Steph xxx

P.S Next post will require your opinions! WHAT TO WEAR TO INTERVIEWS?!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Just one of those days....

You know when you just feel like you wish you were something different? I love my body, for all its lumps and bumps, and most of the time am perfectly happy with myself. However when thinking about someone I would love to do a style crush post on I thought about someone who I've kinda idolised body-wise for a long time... Anyone else think Vanessa Hudgens' petite frame and exotic Filipino looks carry off most styles effortlessly? Maybe thats just me... Ha!

I just can't help myself... I love her 'thrown-on' casual outfits, cute dresses and over-use of the smoky eyes (hey if it ain't broke, don't fix it!) Despite this seeming like a little bit of a body complaint I'm actually gonna take this as a step forward and try to dress more 'I didn't try but I look and feel AH-maaaazing' (lol) for the next couple of days, I'll let you know how it goes! First day back at college tomorrow so bed time now I think! :D Night all.

Steph xxx

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Hello Blogoshpere!

:D Boy am I glad to be finally doing this! I've been reading blogs for over a year now after being introduced by the lovely Sadie at Sadie's Wardrobe (A real life I've since been a little too into checking on my favourite blogs and seeing whats going on in the world of fashion. Since joining an Art and Design Foundation I've found the want to start a blog grow considerably, so here I am, throwing myself in at the deep end. :D Be kind to me yeah? (Also comments, criticisms etc are allllllllllllllllllllways welcome!) I sort of wanted to show what I intend this to be all about with these first couple of posts so I've included an outfit post, an artist feature and a few of my fave photos/edits.

OOTD - Snow Day!

This was a beautiful day, my housemate and I woke up to the beautiful city of Bath covered in around 6 inches of snow and were ecstatic, being the children we are! This prompted a call to our friend and a lovely walk in the countryside, of course showing off some fetching wellies and beloved knitwear. :) 

<> My friend Kendal and I <>

<> Hat - Kendal's <> Knitted Jumper Dress - Scrapstore Material Bin! <>
<> Leather Jacket - New Look <> Wellies - Country Clothing Company Rydale <>
<>Belt - Found in my house somewhere <>

<> Knitted Cardigan - Urban Outfitters <>
<> Wellies - Hunter <>


Artist Feature - Helaina Sharpley

As I love designing/drawing in wire my college tutor recommended this particular artist to me as her sensitivity to the material is out of this world and definately something I'm gonna try to work towards (at some point I'll do a post on my own work but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet!) So yeah, as well as that its just soooo pretty! :D Sharpley has a variety of work from tea related images (my favourite thing so that was always going to be a winner!) to grandfather clocks and various scenery from places she has been/lived. These come in the form of either 2D drawings in wire or 3D wire sculptures.

This piece is my favourite, despite how much I love the tea pieces! The beautiful intricacy of the piece makes me want to look at it for hours and I love how she's used different thickness's and amounts of wire to show the perspective of the street.
Last of all in this pretty big post  - Photography/Edits
(I hope I can live up to this length of post again!)

<> A local town - proving that everywhere can be beautiful! <>

<> My favourite of all the firework snaps I took :D <>

<> I couldn't resist throwing a christmas pic in there..It is my fave time of year after all! <>

<> My cake at Patisserie Valerie -Possible Review to come! <>

<> Just a quick snap of what my bf likes to call the Uni 'Propaganda' that currently graces my bedroom wall, I couldn't resist, my wall looked so bare before! <>

That's all folks! Ha, I hope my inane ramblings are of interest to some people out there, drop me a line of what you thought, email or comment, I'd love to hear some opinions! Hopefully to come will be a nice christmas present post and a few more outfit/fashion posts once I've checked out the sales ;) 

Steph xxx